Gefördert durch die
Europäische Union
Am Markt 14
19055 Schwerin
0385 5925212
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Öffnungszeiten Tourist-Information
Montag - Freitag 10:00 - 18:00 Uhr
Samstag, Sonntag und Feiertag 10:00 - 16:00 Uhr
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Pension gesucht?
Unsere Veranstaltungshöhepunkte
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Den vollständigen Veranstaltungs-
kalender können Sie hier durchstöbern:
There are public guided tours taking place on a daily basis throughout the year. Note, that the museum is closed on Mondays, which is normal for museums in Germany. There are several tour guides for foreign languages.
From April 16th / May/June
Tue-Sun 11.00 and 13.30
Sat and Sun 11.00, 13.30 and 15.00
Di-So 11.00, 12.00, 13.30 and 15.00
Off-season and Winter
September until October 15th
Tue-Sun 11.00 and 13.30
October 16th until April 15th
Tue-Fr 11.30;
Sat and Sun 11.00 and 13.30